Blogging: What to Blog About?

Blogging has become a very popular thing, both in and out of the make money online niche. But most blogs run into a lot of trouble. If you want to be successful with blogging you need to know some of the problems people run into and how to not fall into those problems yourself.

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The biggest type of trouble that blogs run into is, they don't get updated enough. Or they don't get updated ever.

Blogging burn out is a major problem. It is a simple fact of life that not everyone is a writer. But almost everyone does have great ideas and thoughts to share. So why do blogs not get updated?

Not knowing what to blog about

Something just happens when people have a thought and try to put it down on paper. Their brain goes blank. Or if they are anything like me they always have great ideas and then forget them when they are in front of the computer.

If you are like me I suggest carrying a notebook and writing down every idea that comes into your head. No matter how silly it sounds, just write it down. I will go more into using notebooks in a later post.

How do I pick a topic to blog about?

You can blog about anything, truly anything. Blog about dogs, blog about cats, blog about how the clouds look out the window of your office building.

Here is a simple checklist to help you figure out if something is a good topic to blog about:

Is this something I am interested in?

Is this something I am knowledgeable about?

If not is this something I am interested in enough to learn about?

Would my friends be interested in this if we were talking about it in person?

Do I think random people who would be interested in this?

If you answered yes to those questions then blog it.

Find interesting topics to blog about

There are many ways to find topics that people find interesting so you can write a blog post.

Social Media - Facebook, Twitter, Google+

If you are reading this chances are you have some form of social media. This is the best place to figure out what to blog about. Just simply look at what your friends are posting. Are they talking about some celebrity? If so write about that celebrity. Then be sure to share your new blog post with your friends. Get them talking about your blog post in their social media. Not only will this give you exposure, chances are they are going to mention something that will spark a new idea.

Yahoo Answers

This is one of my favorite places to get blog topic ideas. Yahoo Answers is a place that people post questions and look for the internet to answer it for them. What better place to find out what people want to read about then looking at a site where people are asking questions? There are a ton of different categories to pick from. Just make sure you look in the categories you are interested in. There is even a way to use Yahoo Answers to bring traffic to your blog that will be covered in a later blog post.

Alexa Whats Hot

Alexa is a company that tracks information about websites. Alexa tracks demographics of visitors, site traffic and more. One of the best things they do is track what gets searched for the most by users with their toolbar installed. If you know what people are searching for, you know what to blog about. You can even use the Alexa Whats Hot to pull up the search results for those keywords.

Now that you have some places to get ideas, sit down, pick a topic and blog. As soon as you are done reading this, write your post. Action creates results.

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